Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tim Tam Slam by Rachel

We did this activity as part of our procedural writing unit...

1 mug
1 teaspoon
hot water
Tim Tams

1. Grab everything on the equipment list.
2. Add a few teaspoons of Milo to your mug.
3. Pour the hot water into your mug until it is about 1/4 full.
4. Splosh in as much milk as you like.
5. Stir well.
6. Bite the corner off 2 diagonal ends of the Tim Tam.
7. Pick up the Tim Tam and put one of the diagonal corners into your Milo.
8. Suck the bitten corner that is closest to you like a straw. Once the Milo reaches your mouth, stop sucking and pop it in your mouth.
9. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kitchen Chemistry in Room 10

We've been having fun trying out a range of science experiments in class over the last 4 weeks. We've been looking at how to write up an experiment, fair testing, questioning and observing, as well as the scientific ideas of states of matter, density, chemical reactions and reversible/irreversible changes. Here are some photos of our experiments in action:

Sunday, May 22, 2011


By now you should have written your
- Aim
- Hypothesis
- Equipment
- Method
Well done if you are up-to-date!

Over the next couple of weeks, you need to get your testing or inventing done. You should repeat your testing at least 3 times to ensure your results are reliable. Remember that you are welcome to do your testing at school, just make sure you organise a time with me beforehand.

Good luck!

Other homework this week:
Spelling words and language activities
Mega Maths practice

Keep an eye out for notices about some upcoming field trips too...

Monday, May 16, 2011


This week your job is to write your METHOD and your EQUIPMENT list. Put this in your folder and hand it in again on Friday. Make sure, as usual, that you ask me for help if you get stuck.

Well done to those of you who handed in your science fair folders last Friday all up-to-date. Some of you did not include any research - remember you need this to back up your hypothesis and help you write your method. Make sure you don't get behind...

Our Mega Maths Month average increased again last week to 63% which was great. This week we're aiming for an average of at least 70%, so make sure you do some more multiplication and division practice each night this week.

Stay warm and have a great week!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Science Fair Week 2

Well done to those of you who have handed in your clearfile with your big question. Those of you who haven't need to do this on Monday to avoid getting behind!

Your ideas sound fantastic so far. This week you will write out your
AIM and HYPOTHESIS and do some research on the background of your topic. A more detailed sheet will come home on Monday.

If you are super-keen and want to get ahead, you can also write your METHOD which is a step-by-step set of instructions of how to complete your experiment.

Good luck!


Great news! Our class average has improved after week one of our school-wide focus on times tables!

Room 10's average has jumped from 53% to 60% so I am very proud. Thank you to the parents who have been helping their children with their tables; you would have seen on the notice that came home last Monday how important parental support is.

Keep up the great work!

Here are some ideas from students in room 10 to help you learn your tables, depending on your learning style:
MUSIC - turn the tough ones into a rap or chant, use them to change the lyrics of your favourite song, listen to music while learning your tough ones
NATURE - go for a walk and times together the numbers on the letterboxes you pass, times the number of clouds by the number of trees you see, chant your tough ones while walking
PICTURE - card games, flash cards, maps, celebrity 'buzz', make a board game, make a colour by numbers picture - find times tables that have answers that match the numbers
PEOPLE - make a hopscotch game to play with others, make up boardgames to play together
BODY - quick fire test eachother, role play, use finger patterns eg 9x table

Why don't you add a comment about a game or activity that has helped you?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 1, Term 2

I hope you are all rested and rearing to go!

Term 2 is going to be a big one, mainly focusing on everyone getting a science fair project planned, completed and presented. You'll be using the ASPIRE model again, and this week we'll start brainstorming and coming up with your BIG QUESTION.

Spelling and current events as usual this week too, so make sure you come along well organised with everything you need to crack straight into it tomorrow morning. Your first job will be to find out where you are sitting for the first few weeks... It's Mega Maths Month too which you'll find out more about tomorrow morning.

Have a great week!