Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 2 term 4

Hi everyone,

It was great to see everyone back and looking refreshed last week! I also enjoyed seeing your Amazing Race efforts on Friday. Our winning pair are only leading by 1 point so lots of you are still in a good spot to take out the competition :)

This week's country is JAPAN, and you also have spelling words, so make sure you do a little each night - ask me if you need help dividing the tasks up over the week.

So far we have 1 parent available for our Long Beach trip so it would be great to get some more offers this week please. Fingers crossed for nice weather on the 8th too...

Have a great week,
Mrs F :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Welcome to Term 4!

I hope everyone has had a relaxing 2 weeks. Don't forget school starts on TUESDAY not Monday due to Labour Weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing all about what you've been up to.

There's lots coming up this term which is only 8 weeks long, then you'll be getting ready to be year 8's! Check out the photos on the right for some clues about what we'll be up to.

Make sure you have everything you need to get started on Tuesday (tidy uniform, stationery etc) and are reaady to work hard for the last 8 weeks. There will be lots of awards and badges given out before the end of the year, and at our end of year prize giving, so make sure you keep yourself in the running!

See you on Tuesday,
Mrs F :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rat dissection

Today we watched a demonstration of a rat dissection to finish off our studies of the human body. The anatomy of a rat is similar to that of a human. We got to look closely at the ribcage, heart, lungs, kidneys and intestines.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 10 term 3

Wow, another last week of term! It's an action-packed one too!
- rat dissection and recycyled art on Monday
- OGHS junior production on Tuesday
- athletics day on Wednesday
- we also need to get out ASPIRE planning sorted for our kindy get-together

I hope you have been enjoying tracking your RWC team's progress - does your team look like making the quarter finals? What do you think of NZ's hopes now that Dan Carter is out?

No spelling and language this week, but keep your RWC work up-to-date and try to remember some resources for our 'recycled' artwork. You will also be drafting your persuasive writing - child beauty pageants, buying NZ made products, recycyling, or pre schoolers watching cartoons.

Have a great week!