Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 5

Well done to those of you who ran in the CROSS COUNTRY on Friday! I was very proud when I saw you all crossing the finish line. It will be interesting to find out this week which house won!

Your NOVEL should be read by now; we're getting into our novel study activities this week, as well as starting our PUBERTY unit...

HOMEWORK: novel study activity, spelling and language activities

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 4

Well done to those of you who helped out at our fabulous open night on Thursday!

Another busy week this week. Mr Beaman is teaching on Monday and Tuesday, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you about your RWC team too.

Cross country on Friday this week after last week's postponement due to the weather; remember PE gear, trackies, big lunch and a drink.

Unfortunately we can't re-book our Anatomy Museum visit, but something else will replace it later on this term...

This is the last week for finishing your novel so keep reading every night if you haven't finished already!

Have a great week :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 3 Term 3

Brrrrr! What a cold start to the week! I hope you are keeping warm where you are.

To keep you busy if you are stuck at home tomorrow, you can check out the following websites to practice the German vocab and topic work we looked at last week:
(the user name is otagogirls and the password is languages11)

It was great to see so many people score 20/20 in their spelling last week - let's see even more of you manage that this week...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week 2, Term 3

What a positive start to the term room ten - well done for a great first week back. We have learned the names of the main bones in our skeleton and where they are. We've also learned the functions of the skeleton. We started learning the marimba on Tuesday with Mrs Mepham, and German with Chris from Otago Girls High School. We have also welcomed a College of Education student, Mr Beaman, who will be working with us for the rest of the year. Definitely a busy start to the term!

Reminders for this week:
- keep reading your novel each night, and bring it to school for silent reading if you wish
- return your permission slip for our visit to the Anatomy Museum in week 3
- Parents meeting about our puberty unit 5:30 Monday
- return your permission slips for open night if you have received one

Have a great week!