Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thanks for a great year room 10...

...and well done to those rewarded at our end of year assembly. I'll look forward to following your achievements and successes next year. Enjoy your summer holidays!

Mrs F :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2 weeks to go...

...and an action-packed two weeks they are too! Lots of reminders for the next few days folks so here they are:

Tuesday - please remember to bring a plate of morning tea food and a picnic rug or tarpaulin if you have one you are able to bring

Friday - whole school swim at Moana Pool until 11:30

Monday week 8 - year 7 sharing assembly, our christmas video needs to be ready by then!

Wednesday - year seven teamwork morning

Thursday - Poroporoaki to farewell year eight students

Friday - Final assembly starts at 10:30am, reports and Secret Santa presents are given out, last day of term

Keep up your fantastic efforts and attitudes for the last two weeks!

Mrs F :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 6 Term 4

Hi everyone,

I'm really looking forward to teaching you again for the last three weeks of term. Your Amazing Race efforts have been great so far, and the leading team has changed each week so it will be interesting to see who wins the top prize in week eight!

We have HEAPS to do over the next few weeks - our kindy visit is next Tuesday morning, we have a class magazine to produce and we need to plan and prepare a class item for our year seven sharing assembly too! I'm also looking forward to seeing your chameleon art work finished this week - photos on the blog soon :)

Have a great week,
Mrs F :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 3 Term 4

Hi everyone,

This week it's EGYPT for the Amazing Race! I'm looking forward to seeing some impressive presentation ideas this week, like Nicola's fabulous effort with South Africa last week.

Your speech should be written by now and you should be doing some practice for Tuesday - think about whether you want to volunteer yourself to get it over and done with first or if you want to wait for your name to be drawn out of the hat :) Remember it needs to be on cue cards not big pieces of paper.

I'm looking forward to seeing what our visitors from the Royal NZ Ballet have in store for us tomorrow too.

Have a great week,
Mrs F :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rock climbing at Long Beach

What a fabulous day out! I was so proud of everyone for having a go at rock climbing, and for the fantastic behaviour and efforts from everyone throughout the day. We couldn't have done it without the help of our fabulous parents Anita, Alison, Mark and Jacqui too. What was your favourite part of the day? Let us know by leaving a comment with your name. Here are some photos from the day too:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 3 term 4

Hi everyone,

I missed you on Thursday and Friday, but heard GREAT rumours about how well you worked and how great your Japan work for The Amazing Race looked! This week it's SOUTH AFRICA so stay tuned for what this week's roadblock will involve...Your points will be updated by the end of tomorrow.

Mr Beaman is teaching for the next three weeks. Rockclimbing is (hopefully) on on Tuesday...listen to More FM and/or check the blog after 7:30am to see if it's cancelled due to the weather out there. Remember lots of food and drink, warm and cool clothes, sunblock etc. I still need more parents too please...

Have a great week,
Mrs F :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Amazing Race - Japan

Well done to Aaliyah and Ben for winning today's chopstick race! They were the quickest boy and girl to successfully transfer 20 jelly beans from one bowl to another - nice work!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 2 term 4

Hi everyone,

It was great to see everyone back and looking refreshed last week! I also enjoyed seeing your Amazing Race efforts on Friday. Our winning pair are only leading by 1 point so lots of you are still in a good spot to take out the competition :)

This week's country is JAPAN, and you also have spelling words, so make sure you do a little each night - ask me if you need help dividing the tasks up over the week.

So far we have 1 parent available for our Long Beach trip so it would be great to get some more offers this week please. Fingers crossed for nice weather on the 8th too...

Have a great week,
Mrs F :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Welcome to Term 4!

I hope everyone has had a relaxing 2 weeks. Don't forget school starts on TUESDAY not Monday due to Labour Weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing all about what you've been up to.

There's lots coming up this term which is only 8 weeks long, then you'll be getting ready to be year 8's! Check out the photos on the right for some clues about what we'll be up to.

Make sure you have everything you need to get started on Tuesday (tidy uniform, stationery etc) and are reaady to work hard for the last 8 weeks. There will be lots of awards and badges given out before the end of the year, and at our end of year prize giving, so make sure you keep yourself in the running!

See you on Tuesday,
Mrs F :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rat dissection

Today we watched a demonstration of a rat dissection to finish off our studies of the human body. The anatomy of a rat is similar to that of a human. We got to look closely at the ribcage, heart, lungs, kidneys and intestines.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 10 term 3

Wow, another last week of term! It's an action-packed one too!
- rat dissection and recycyled art on Monday
- OGHS junior production on Tuesday
- athletics day on Wednesday
- we also need to get out ASPIRE planning sorted for our kindy get-together

I hope you have been enjoying tracking your RWC team's progress - does your team look like making the quarter finals? What do you think of NZ's hopes now that Dan Carter is out?

No spelling and language this week, but keep your RWC work up-to-date and try to remember some resources for our 'recycled' artwork. You will also be drafting your persuasive writing - child beauty pageants, buying NZ made products, recycyling, or pre schoolers watching cartoons.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ukulele Jam 2011

A number of year seven students, including Nic, TJ, Damian, Rachel and Millie from Room 10, joined in the Intermediate Schools' ukulele jam which was held at school last week. The 11 songs we sang and played ranged from Sweet Child O' Mine to Something in the Water, Count on Me to Poi E, and we had a great morning.

We had to commit ourselves to weekly rehearsals during terms 2 and 3, and will be rewarded with badges at assembly. There was also a photo in Wednesday's ODT. Top effort!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 8 & 9

Hi everyone,

I hope you are enjoying tracking the progress of your RWC teams - some good results for some of you over the weekend!

A reminder that our College student, Mr Beaman, is teaching for the next two weeks, so he will give you your homework for the next two weeks (as well as your usual spelling and language of course).

Have a great week,
Mrs F

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 7 - Go the AB's!

I hope you all got to see or hear how your RWC team played over the weekend! A good start for the All Blacks too. Your homework this week (as well as spelling and language) is to start keeping track of how your team goes. I will tell you more about this on Monday.

It was great to see you all supporting our local SPCA and foodbanks on Friday's mufti day - top effort. We're kicking in to our ASPIRE project this week so make sure you bring along your great ideas ready to share. Don't forget that the school writing competition closes this Friday too - it would be great to see lots of entries from room 10.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week 6 - halfway through the term!

Lots of 'congratulations' this week!

Well done to Lauren and Aaliyah who won prizes at the Otago Science Fair, as well as Josie (Highly Commended) and Sam (Participation). Well done also to most of the class who received a badge and/or certificate at assembly last Friday - a very successful week for many of you!

RWC country research for homework this week, as well as your usual spelling and language activities. If you haven't already paid for our show tomorrow, you need to hand this in tomorrow morning too please ($13).

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 5

Well done to those of you who ran in the CROSS COUNTRY on Friday! I was very proud when I saw you all crossing the finish line. It will be interesting to find out this week which house won!

Your NOVEL should be read by now; we're getting into our novel study activities this week, as well as starting our PUBERTY unit...

HOMEWORK: novel study activity, spelling and language activities

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 4

Well done to those of you who helped out at our fabulous open night on Thursday!

Another busy week this week. Mr Beaman is teaching on Monday and Tuesday, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you about your RWC team too.

Cross country on Friday this week after last week's postponement due to the weather; remember PE gear, trackies, big lunch and a drink.

Unfortunately we can't re-book our Anatomy Museum visit, but something else will replace it later on this term...

This is the last week for finishing your novel so keep reading every night if you haven't finished already!

Have a great week :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 3 Term 3

Brrrrr! What a cold start to the week! I hope you are keeping warm where you are.

To keep you busy if you are stuck at home tomorrow, you can check out the following websites to practice the German vocab and topic work we looked at last week:
(the user name is otagogirls and the password is languages11)

It was great to see so many people score 20/20 in their spelling last week - let's see even more of you manage that this week...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week 2, Term 3

What a positive start to the term room ten - well done for a great first week back. We have learned the names of the main bones in our skeleton and where they are. We've also learned the functions of the skeleton. We started learning the marimba on Tuesday with Mrs Mepham, and German with Chris from Otago Girls High School. We have also welcomed a College of Education student, Mr Beaman, who will be working with us for the rest of the year. Definitely a busy start to the term!

Reminders for this week:
- keep reading your novel each night, and bring it to school for silent reading if you wish
- return your permission slip for our visit to the Anatomy Museum in week 3
- Parents meeting about our puberty unit 5:30 Monday
- return your permission slips for open night if you have received one

Have a great week!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Welcome to Term 3

I hope everyone in room ten is enjoying their holidays! I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday and hearing about what you have been up to. You can see a sneak peak of what we'll be doing this term in the photos on the right.

In the meantime, make sure you have all the stationery and bits and pieces you'll need for school, enjoy your last few days off, and I'll see you on Monday.

Mrs F :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Farewell to Ace

We had a fantastic shared lunch on Wednesday to farewell Ace who is traveling home to South Korea. We are sad to say goodbye but wish her all the best and look forward to hearing from her soon.

Maori Language Week

Room 10 celebrated Maori Language Week in a number of ways. We had a visit to Wakari kindy to sing waiata and watch them act out some Maori myths. We enjoyed playing with the children and reading them picture books. We also hosted the kindy at school when they came to work with the kapa haka group. We have made putiputi (flowers) with flax and choreographed routines based on Maori stick games.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

End of term two!

We're into our last week folks! What a great finish to the term with Sam, Aaliyah, Lauren and Josie making it into the Otago Science Fair next term - congratulations! Well done also to those who received 'Highly Commended' and 'Outstanding Effort' certificates.

This week we are continuing to celebrate Matariki and Maori Langauage Week by doing some flax weaving, poi and rakau activities. It is also time to finish off our term two work - those who are up to date on Friday will be rewarded.

Sadly, we farewell Ace this week when she returns to South Korea. We have enjoyed getting to know you this year Ace and wish you all the best for your journey. Make sure you keep in touch with us via the blog!

Have a great week!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Observatory visit is still on!

Yes, despite the horrible weather, we will still visit the Observatory tonight. They have a classroom based programme we can do instead of being outside. See you soon!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Check out our science fair boards!

Well done to those of you (just about everyone!) who finished their boards on time and shared them with the class today. I am looking forward to hearing who has been successful at assembly on Friday afternoon.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Week ten - Science Fair!

Well, after 9 weeks of planning and hard work, the science fair is finally here! Well done to those of you who managed to finsh off your boards in class on Friday. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of your boards finished on Monday morning, and hearing your presentations.

If you have forgotten, the order for your information is: introduction-aim-hypothesis-equipment-method-results-conclusion. Your photos can go where you think they look best.

The children at WAKARI KINDERGARTEN are looking forward to seeing us on Tuesday morning. There are still about 15 places available for our OBSERVATORY VISIT on Thursday night too.

Remind your parents that they can come and view the science fair projects in the school hall on Wednesday and Thursdsay nights. The winners will be announced on Friday in our school assembly.

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 9 Term 2

Hi everyone,

I hope you have finished off any last minute science fair testing this weekend!

I was very impressed with your singing and guitar playing on Friday. Tuesday's visit to the Art Gallery will be extra good if it starts off with a great performance like that!

On Monday we'll be selecting whose photos go through to the year seven photography competition. Your parents and friends will be able to view and vote on these in week ten when they come in to see the science fair all set up.

On Friday we'll be putting together our science fair boards in class - make sure you have all of your infomation and photos printed by then please. We'll also be entertained by 'That Blind Lady' at year seven assembly - more info in class later this week.

Please bring back your kindy visit permission slips asap.

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 8

This is another big week for us - we are all looking forward to our university student, Mrs Wing, doing some teaching. We are also typing up our science fair results and conclusions, ready to put onto our boards next week.

Remember that our art gallery visit is on next Tuesday, we still need to sort out a waiata to perform when we arrive.

Don't forget to e mail me (or bring to school) your best photo from Orokonui for the year 7 photography competition. I am looking forward to seeing what you have achieved!

Spelling as usual for homework this week, as well as finishing off your science fair project of course. Good luck!

Have a great week.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Science Fair Update

Hi everyone,

This week we will focus in class on how to write your results and conclusion. On Monday next week I'll collect in your folder to see how you have progressed with writing yours. Your testing should be well underway by now!

It will be great to have our student teacher, Mrs Wing, with us for the next 3 weeks too.

A reminder that our Art Gallery date has changed - we are now going on the 28th of June rather than this coming Tuesday.

Have a great week!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hi everyone,

Remember that our trip is TOMORROW from 11:30. We'll be back at school by 3pm. Today is the day to double-check the gear list you took home last week:
- big drink and lunch
- PE gear
- digital camera (or organise to share with someone)
- towel (to lie on when taking photos)
- a warm jacket and sensible shoes (the forecast is similar to today's)
- $16 if you haven't already paid

Other reminders for this week:
- we need to finish filming our presentation for assembly on Friday
- I will be checking your science fair logbook on either Friday or Monday (your choice) to see the results you have collected so far...don't forget about your science fair project!

Have a great week!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tim Tam Slam by Rachel

We did this activity as part of our procedural writing unit...

1 mug
1 teaspoon
hot water
Tim Tams

1. Grab everything on the equipment list.
2. Add a few teaspoons of Milo to your mug.
3. Pour the hot water into your mug until it is about 1/4 full.
4. Splosh in as much milk as you like.
5. Stir well.
6. Bite the corner off 2 diagonal ends of the Tim Tam.
7. Pick up the Tim Tam and put one of the diagonal corners into your Milo.
8. Suck the bitten corner that is closest to you like a straw. Once the Milo reaches your mouth, stop sucking and pop it in your mouth.
9. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kitchen Chemistry in Room 10

We've been having fun trying out a range of science experiments in class over the last 4 weeks. We've been looking at how to write up an experiment, fair testing, questioning and observing, as well as the scientific ideas of states of matter, density, chemical reactions and reversible/irreversible changes. Here are some photos of our experiments in action:

Sunday, May 22, 2011


By now you should have written your
- Aim
- Hypothesis
- Equipment
- Method
Well done if you are up-to-date!

Over the next couple of weeks, you need to get your testing or inventing done. You should repeat your testing at least 3 times to ensure your results are reliable. Remember that you are welcome to do your testing at school, just make sure you organise a time with me beforehand.

Good luck!

Other homework this week:
Spelling words and language activities
Mega Maths practice

Keep an eye out for notices about some upcoming field trips too...

Monday, May 16, 2011


This week your job is to write your METHOD and your EQUIPMENT list. Put this in your folder and hand it in again on Friday. Make sure, as usual, that you ask me for help if you get stuck.

Well done to those of you who handed in your science fair folders last Friday all up-to-date. Some of you did not include any research - remember you need this to back up your hypothesis and help you write your method. Make sure you don't get behind...

Our Mega Maths Month average increased again last week to 63% which was great. This week we're aiming for an average of at least 70%, so make sure you do some more multiplication and division practice each night this week.

Stay warm and have a great week!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Science Fair Week 2

Well done to those of you who have handed in your clearfile with your big question. Those of you who haven't need to do this on Monday to avoid getting behind!

Your ideas sound fantastic so far. This week you will write out your
AIM and HYPOTHESIS and do some research on the background of your topic. A more detailed sheet will come home on Monday.

If you are super-keen and want to get ahead, you can also write your METHOD which is a step-by-step set of instructions of how to complete your experiment.

Good luck!


Great news! Our class average has improved after week one of our school-wide focus on times tables!

Room 10's average has jumped from 53% to 60% so I am very proud. Thank you to the parents who have been helping their children with their tables; you would have seen on the notice that came home last Monday how important parental support is.

Keep up the great work!

Here are some ideas from students in room 10 to help you learn your tables, depending on your learning style:
MUSIC - turn the tough ones into a rap or chant, use them to change the lyrics of your favourite song, listen to music while learning your tough ones
NATURE - go for a walk and times together the numbers on the letterboxes you pass, times the number of clouds by the number of trees you see, chant your tough ones while walking
PICTURE - card games, flash cards, maps, celebrity 'buzz', make a board game, make a colour by numbers picture - find times tables that have answers that match the numbers
PEOPLE - make a hopscotch game to play with others, make up boardgames to play together
BODY - quick fire test eachother, role play, use finger patterns eg 9x table

Why don't you add a comment about a game or activity that has helped you?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 1, Term 2

I hope you are all rested and rearing to go!

Term 2 is going to be a big one, mainly focusing on everyone getting a science fair project planned, completed and presented. You'll be using the ASPIRE model again, and this week we'll start brainstorming and coming up with your BIG QUESTION.

Spelling and current events as usual this week too, so make sure you come along well organised with everything you need to crack straight into it tomorrow morning. Your first job will be to find out where you are sitting for the first few weeks... It's Mega Maths Month too which you'll find out more about tomorrow morning.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Firstly, well done to those of you who finished your ASPIRE project on time and shared your Photostory with the class last Thursday or Friday. You have definitely earned a 2 week rest!

Secondly, well done to TJ who earned last week's year seven assembly award for MANNERS.

Hopefully you've read your science fair memo from last Friday and have shown it to Mum or Dad; the holidays is a good chance to look around for project ideas (remember that you're not expected to start any testing or inventing over the holidays, just be ready to tell me in the 1st week or so of term 2 what sort of area you are interested in).

Happy holidays!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week eleven

This week you will be sharing your IDENTITY research with the class using PHOTOSTORY. To do this, you will need to have your script written and your photos/images ready to go. I know that many of you are ready and waiting which is fantastic!

I wonder which house will win our year seven small ball skills tournament this week? Surely it will be HIGHGATE. I hope you've all been practicing your throwing and catching!

What are you planning for the holidays? Let us know by making a comment and you'll earn yourself a raffle...

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Our ASPIRE projects are well underway! To be up to date, you should have chosen your BIG QUESTION and come up with some INTERVIEW QUESTIONS to ask an 'expert'.

By the end of this week you need to have completed your interview and planned what you are going to do with the information you have gathered. You may find that you need to look elsewhere for information to fully answer your big question. It would be useful to obtain some relevant photos during your interview as well.

Next week in class we will organise recording and sharing your information using PHOTOSTORY. Don't forget about your spelling and basic facts practice too.

Well done to Dylan who received room ten's 'respect' award at year seven assembly!

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Only 3 weeks left of this term folks!

This week we are getting started on our inquiry projects using the school's ASPIRE model. It's time to start thinking about all the information and topics we've discussed in our Identity work this term and formulate some good, deep questions to answer. You will do this by completing an interview with an 'expert' - more information in class on Monday.

What topics have you found most interesting or want to know more about? Let us know by leaving a comment and you'll get a raffle ticket. Maybe your parents would be keen to share some of their knowledge, or know someone who would be useful?

Spelling and basic facts for homework again this week - a large number of you are still to reach 20/20 in your weekly spelling tests!

Have a great week :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hi everyone,

I hope you have enjoyed a bonus day off this weekend...why exactly do we get a day off? The best answer on here gets five raffle tickets, and everyone who makes a good attempt gets one raffle ticket.

Spelling is our focus for homework again this week - only 8 people scored 100% in their Friday test last week so we still have a lot of work to do. I'm also looking forward to making a good start on our Nigel Brown artwork this week too. Make sure you bring along anything that you find that might be relevant to the art we are doing.

I hope all the birthday parties went well over the weekend! Here is my daughter's birthday cake from this weekend too - if you work hard tomorrow you might just get a piece of it.....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Otago Settlers' Museum

We had a great day today at the Otago Settlers' Museum! Sara taught us lots about the Kai Tahu people, then we dressed up and transformed ourselves into Scottish settlers in 1848. We also found out about discrimination against the Chinese in the late 1800's/early 1900's. Our day finished with a trip to the Chinese Gardens and making Chinese kites.

It was also really interesting mapping where we were all born and where our ancestors came from - you can see our giant World map in Room 10. Thank you to the parents who came along and helped with our visit. Below are some photos of our day:

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hi everyone,

It was great to see a number of you down at sunny Telford for the open day today. Riley and Lucy LOVED the milk tanker, tractor ride and the BBQ lunch - tell us about your favourite part of the day. I'd love to see your photos at school too if you took any.

This week we are spending Tuesday at the Otago Settlers' Museum. Remember you need to be dropped there at 8:45 and picked up at 3. Before we go there, you need to be sure of whereabouts in the World your family originally came from. I know that all of my mother's and father's family came from Ireland.

Great results and efforts at the swimming sports last Friday - let's have another great week this week.

Mrs F

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 6 already!

Hi everybody,

What a great week back at school after our camp. Here are a few reminders for this week:

- I really enjoyed reading your camp books over the weekend, and am looking forward to receiving the 10 that weren't handed in on Monday

- This week's homework is your spelling words and some research on your street name or your suburb...more info in class on Monday

- Our last swimming session is Monday this week, and the swimming sports is on Friday at Moana Pool...parents you are most welcome to come and watch.

- We now have enough parent help for our trip to the Otago Settlers' Museum next Tuesday (thanks!) and more detailed information will come home to parent helpers in the next few days.

Have a great week!

Mrs F

Friday, March 4, 2011

Red and Black Mufti Day

Today our school raised over $600 for the Canterbury earthquake relief fund by having a red and black mufti day. We've also added more than $200 to this fund through a coin trail and a competition to see who could guess the correct amount of lollies in a jar at the school office. Room 10 looked fantastic in their red and black outfits today - a very impressive effort!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 5, Term 3

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your auction goodies from camp on Friday, and have had a relaxing weekend after our HUGE week 4! Well done to everyone who made a contribution towards Red Cross earthquake relief last week too.

This week it's swimming again on Monday and all music lessons are now underway too. Our last swimming session is on Monday next week, before the swimming sports on Friday the 11th of March.

Your homework this week is your spelling words, as well as finishing off your camp book for me to read on Friday.

Have a great week,
Mrs F

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Camp Waihola 2011

We had a fabulous 2 nights away at Waihola with Room 11, despite the terrible weather! We were shocked to come back to news of the Christchurch earthquake though, and hope everyone we know is ok.

Monday involved initiative challenges in teams, and the Top Team challenge.

Day 2 was spent yachting and raft-building down at the lake. We also went on the flying fox.

Night time activities involved quizzes, games, sleeping soldiers and spotlight before bed.

We couldn't have done it without all of the fabulous parents who gave up their precious time to help us - thank you!

Here are some of the photos taken over the 3 days:


Last Friday the year 7's were officially welcomed to the school as part of a school pohwiri. All our singing practice paid off when we did a great job supporting our speakers. Here are some photos of the powhiri:

Stay tuned for some camp news and photos too...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today we had the first of our four ukulele lessons with Justine Pierre. Most of us had learned ukulele before so we had a quick recap before practicing chords C, F and G7. Here are some photos of our first lesson...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 3, Term 1

Another busy week coming up room 10!

SWIMMING on Monday, same time as last week. Hopefully everyone remembers their togs like last week!

As well as continuing with the routines we started last week, this week is all about getting ready for our CAMP next week. We still desperately need some more parents for camp...I have 3 for Monday, 2 for Monday night, 3 for Tuesday, 2 for Tuesday night and 3 for Wednesday. At least 1 more on each of the days and nights would be fabulous if any parents are able to spare some of their precious time. We now have enough transport for Monday and Wednesday thank you.

HOMEWORK this week involves doing some research for our NZ history timeline. You can use some of the helpful websites suggested on our blog to help you research the topic you are given. Remember to let me know early in the week if you need me to give you paper to present your research on.

Have a great week,
Mrs F

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2, Term 1

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's fantastic weather!

Well done for the fantastic first impressions you made last week - make sure you keep up the great effort this week as we start getting into our classroom routines.

Here are some reminders for this week:
- Monday: swimming at Moana Pool. We'll be walking to the pool at 1pm in time to start our lessons at 1:30...please bring $3.30 if you haven't already paid.

- Wednesday: Meet the Teacher evening. We'll start in the hall at 6:30pm, then your parents can come and meet me in our classroom.

- Friday: your homework is due. This week it's your introducing book that we started in class last Friday. Try to add some photos and lots of colour to make yours look original and interesting.

Congratulations to Meg who was last week's "Star"...I'll be looking out for people to hand raffle tickets to this week. Well done also to Angus who got last week's assembly certificate.

Have a great week,
Mrs F :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

How was your first day?!

Hi everyone,

I am so pleased that you have managed to check out our blog - well done for doing your first night's homework! How was your first day at Balmac? Tell me one positive thing about how your day went and you can get a raffle ticket off me in the morning. Remember to type in your name with your comment.

Each week I will update the blog to remind you what your homework is for the week, and to share stories and photos of what we have been up to in room 10. You can also check out the "Important Dates this Term" to get a preview of what events are coming up - you will receive notices about these events soon.

Enjoy the rest of your week,
Mrs F