Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 9 Term 2

Hi everyone,

I hope you have finished off any last minute science fair testing this weekend!

I was very impressed with your singing and guitar playing on Friday. Tuesday's visit to the Art Gallery will be extra good if it starts off with a great performance like that!

On Monday we'll be selecting whose photos go through to the year seven photography competition. Your parents and friends will be able to view and vote on these in week ten when they come in to see the science fair all set up.

On Friday we'll be putting together our science fair boards in class - make sure you have all of your infomation and photos printed by then please. We'll also be entertained by 'That Blind Lady' at year seven assembly - more info in class later this week.

Please bring back your kindy visit permission slips asap.

Have a great week!


  1. Do we have to wear P.E gear to school for the art gallery? and also I'm in special choir and we have the choral workshop on the same day we visit the kindey

  2. No, remember we said this afternoon that you need to wear your uniform to school and bring your correct PE gear with you please to wear to the Art Gallery.

  3. Hi Mrs Fitsgerald.
    I feeling a bit worse than yesterday an my mum thinks its best that I stay home. Mum said she could email you how I can put science fair board together. See you on Monday.

  4. Hi Mrs Fitzgerald, i am exited about coming back to school on monday. I am also looking forward to seeing ellen LOL.Anyway have a nice weekend =D
